This is TSEC Weighted Index within these 5 days. You can see it shrunk and surged everyday. And my dad's blood pressure went up and down with it. But no matter how his blood pressure goes, the truth is his account lost a lot of blood.
For the reason why...
The next chart is how TSCE performed in the last 3 month...

Just as you see, the mkt went down and down. The investors felt down and down as well. I can't understand why many companies earned the record high profit, their stock price still went down. Some said it's because President Chen's economic policy make those companies difficult to transfer their capital back to Taiwan.
It's really nasty because there are also many limitation to invest other market, especially China. Even the mutual fund selling in Taiwan are forbidden from investing in China market for too high percentage.
Since President Chen's tenure is over in March, wish the situation getting better. Give my money back! (Well, it's not my money but my dad's.)